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MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY – Human Rights Advocate, Renee Pittman, along with the "Mind Control Technology" six book series, takes you down the "Rabbit Hole," into ongoing scientific nonconsensual human experimentation, literally the "Crime of the Century" with an depth look into historic, research, covert ongoing testing, and development programs combined with today's use of highly advanced beamed psycho-physical, psychological electronic mind invasive technology. The technology uses extremely low electromagnetic frequency radio waves, microwaves, Scalar Waves, Ultrasound, Directed Energy Weapons, Active Denial System, infrared, Parametric Speaker, etc., designed EXPERTLY for covert, mass and social population control, and undetectable manipulation and influence. Little known to the public, these advancements are reported to have been used for DECADES and also reported to be focused today on individuals, groups, communities and large populations. Today a global system has officially unfolded of beamed electronic weapon assaults through legalization, official Organized Community Stalking legitimizing federal, state and local police, with military personnel and military technology marginalizing civilians has lab rats. There are many players to include the Department of Veterans Affairs, Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies for research activity post 9/11. The reality, victim's report, is that this program has become a high-tech subjugation effort, which opened the door for massive, inhumane, VICIOUS violations of Constitution, Civil and basic Human Rights. Who is watching Big Brother after the Constitution has left the building? The fact is thousand's nationwide and million's globally, within a unified, determined, exposure effort, and of whom are being strategically discredited have decided, "We Will Not Be Silent!" See also this blog's official website: ==================================================== DISCLAIMER NOTICE: All content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. These terms and conditions of use are subject to change at any time and without notice. Due to the nature of the subject matter, these blogs must rely on open literature evidence and substantiating links for confirmation by others. It is a must. One person making these claims is simply not enough. Efforts continue to ensure corrected content and updates due to ONGOING OFFICIAL TAMPERING by unauthorized access. The COINTELPRO operation hope is a strategic effort to present this blog, and the information within, as unintelligible with shoddy information, poor grammar, punctuation, and misspelled words, presented as a deterrent to the public. With regards to the content, and the information in general, the author simply states "Believe it or not!"