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Be aware of what you see, patriot. This stage of the bonfire is not random looting and burning. This is an impoverished Bolshevist army arming and equipping themselves with the guns, ammunition, survival equipment and raw materials for the next stage of the battle for America, while accruing massive and costly damage to business and infrastructure to stymie our already staggered economy. The pro-communist John Brown Gun Clubs in the Antifa sphere have prepped and wargamed precisely for this moment for four years, with instructions to raid gun shops, hardware stores, camping supply and sporting equipment outlets and even restaurants and grocery chains for the securing of canned rations and essential supplies. They are outfitting their bargain basement army through theft and vandalism. The idiots are grabbing flatscreens and stereos. Antifa is grabbing guns and ice axes. Amateur preppers compared to the American right, but their intentions are stated in writing and regardless of how foolhardy their errand, they are girding for war. Reality is, these deranged ragtag cockroaches don't have to win militarily to achieve their objective. They just have to make society ungovernable, unlivable and unsustainable long enough to demand foreign intervention by pro-globalist nations and NGO'S to assist in collapsing the American system and replacing our elected government with a suitable puppet regime to restore the internationalist track. If Donald Trump moves to crush the "democratic uprising" (watch carefully for that terminology...the Soros media worked years to install the template) he will be called a brutal dictator responsible for killing his own citizens ala Basshar Assad, Muammar Qaddafi, Mohammed Morsi, and many more. He will be cast as an evil despot clinging to power through brutal force and unwilling to accept, "the will of the people." The international community will then apply intense pressure on Trump either to step down, or be removed by force. They would gladly drag his lifeless body through the streets of Washington DC if they could manage it. To quote the empress of Gehenna, her majesty, Hillary Clinton on the passing of Qaddafi, "We came. We saw. He died." This is the template of regime change on humanitarian fiat. It's the reason they spent four years convincing their windup island of misfit SJW toys that Donald Trump is a racist, that Donald Trump is a white supremacist, that all racial violence and violence by police is because of Donald Trump's hatred of minorities, that Donald Trump is a fascist dictator, that Donald Trump is a billionaire oppressor of the working class. That Donald Trump is "The Man in the High Castle," requiring historic and patriotic sacrifices to remove him from office "to save our Democracy," from a Nazi regime. With Pavlovian precision, the messages were imprinted meticulously on the minds of the world for precisely this moment. This was always the plan. You've already watched Barack Obama and George Soros assist in precisely this brand of nation destroying technique no less than a dozen times in 8 years. This is the Arab Spring model underway on American soil. This is America's descent into Third World slavery, with a tectonic likely detour into civil war.