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NickCH-K/causalgraphs: R code for causal graph animations
R Epidemics Consortium
jdblischak/r-project-workflows: List of workflow tools for R projects
jhollist/manuscriptPackage: Template for writing manuscripts as an R package
ramnathv/poirot: Reproducible Blogging with R Markdown
lwjohnst86/prodigenr: Project directory generator R package
NikKrieger/projects: projects
grssnbchr/rddj-template: A template for bootstrapping reproducible RMarkdown documents for data journalistic purposes.
franapoli/repo: The Data-Centered Data Flow manager for R
jaredlander/RepoGenerator: This builds a repo from a template for use in workshop instruction
reports Package Vignette
represtools • represtools
benmarwick/rrtools: rrtools: Tools for Writing Reproducible Research in R
Function reference • rflow
rostools/rostools: Reproducible and open science toolkit
Reproducible-Science-Curriculum/rr-init: Research project initialization and organization following reproducible research guidelines
benmarwick/rrtools: rrtools: Tools for Writing Reproducible Research in R
hadley/rsmith: A static site generator for R inspired by
R Suite™
DASpringate/samatha: Build static websites in R
timoast/notebook-template: Template for a computational lab notebook using bookdown
zoonproject/zoon: The zoon R package
Analyses as Packages
Using an R ‘template’ package to enhance reproducible research or the 'R package syndrome'
vimc/orderly: Lightweight Reproducible Reporting for R
Pakillo/template: A template for research projects structured as R packages
Data · R packages
CRAN Task View: Reproducible Research
RevolutionAnalytics/checkpoint: Install R packages from snapshots on checkpoint-server
ropensci/DataPackageR: An R package to enable reproducible data processing, packaging and sharing.
jacintoArias/exreport: An R package for reproducible research. Analyze your experimental data and generate HTML and PDF reports.
jacintoArias (Jacinto Arias)
A Pipeline Toolkit for Reproducible Computation at Scale • rOpenSci: drake
airbnb/knowledge-repo: A next-generation curated knowledge sharing platform for data scientists and other technical professions.
TysonStanley/tidyfast: Fast and efficient alternatives to tidyr functions built on data.table
krlmlr/scalar: Scalars
shiny-server/config at master · daattali/shiny-server
mkearney (Michael W. Kearney) / Repositories
mkearney/textfeatures: π·βοΈ A simple package for extracting useful features from character objects π·βοΈ
mkearney/pkgverse: π¦ππ Create your own universe of packages à la tidyverse
mkearney/tbltools: ππ’ Tools for Working with Tibbles
mkearney/readthat: Read Text Data
My Data Cleaning in R Cheat Sheet
19 Functions | R for Data Science
mkearney/tfse: π Useful R functions for various things
mkearney/dapr: βπΌππΌππΌππΌ Dependency-free purrr-like apply/map/iterate functions
eddelbuettel/minm: Minm Is Not Meta: One way to get several RMarkdown-using packages
bnb/awesome-hyper: π₯ Delightful Hyper plugins, themes, and resources
How to write error messages that don't suck | Bits and Bugs
Business Science University