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Salvation Foundation - A woman has been arrested for dousing her husband with gasoline and setting him on fire after she caught him raping her 7-year-old daughter. 40-year-old Tatanysha Hedman of Renton, Washington, said she wanted to burn her pedophile husband alive because “shooting him was too nice”. According to Renton Police, Vincent Phillips, 52, was soaked in highly flammable fuel after he fell asleep in bed next to his wife.Investigators confirmed that he was then set on fire whilst he was sleeping.Philips then fled the apartment and managed to drive his car down the street whilst still ablaze to a Skyway convenience store screaming “I’m on fire!” People rushed over to put out the flames before he walked into the store and dropped to his knees, clearly in agony, begging, “Help me!”CCTV footage captured the moment he entered the doors of the store as customers looked on in shock as he looks severely burned. The store clerk called 911 and medics rushed Phillips to Harborview Medical Center for treatment of severe burns.A video was also recovered from a security camera at the local gas station where Ms. Hedman had bought the gasoline just a few hours before the incident.She can be seen casually filling up a jerry can and placing it in the back of her pickup truck. Hedman has been arrested and is facing charges of assault and arson after she confessed to police that she set him alight after catching him raping her young child.According to police reports, she told the arresting officers: “Shooting him would have been nice too, but it would have been too nice for him.” . . . #sextrafficking #sextraffickingawareness #sextraffickingprevention #rescue #children #women #kids #savethechildren #endit #enditmovement #slavery #salvation #humantrafficking #childabuse #sexualabuse #sexabuse #survivor #rapesurvivor #sextraffickingsurvivor #moderndayslavery #trauma #notforsale #childtrafficking #childtraffickingawareness #childtraffickingprevention #slavery #childslavery #stoptrafficking | Facebook