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SBM - SBLI (Production)
Simple JSON REST Consumption with GSON API - CodeProject
GSON - Gson
Simple GSON Example | Java Creed
Google Gson for converting Java objects to JSON and JSON to Java with - Tutorial
The Ultimate JSON Library: JSON.simple vs GSON vs Jackson vs JSONP | OverOps Blog
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Jackson JSON Java Parser API Example Tutorial - JournalDev
Java JSON Tutorial and Example: JSON-Java (org.json) - CodeVoila
FasterXML/jackson: Main Portal page for the Jackson project
Jackson JSON Java Parser API Example Tutorial - JournalDev
Apache Camel: Index
FasterXML/jackson: Main Portal page for the Jackson project
java - What exactly is Apache Camel? - Stack Overflow
Open Source Integration with Apache Camel and How Fuse IDE Can Help - DZone Integration
Red Hat Developer | Red Hat Fuse Overview
Manning | Camel in Action
SBM - SBLI (Production)
DZone: Programming & DevOps news, tutorials & tools
How Are Your Microservices Talking? - DZone Microservices
Log Management - DZone - Refcardz
6 Courses to Learn Spring Framework in Depth - DZone Java
How to Build Pivot Tables - DZone AI
Completing a Smart Home System With 30 Lines of JavaScript Code - DZone IoT
TechDays 2019: Microservices for Building an IDE and the Innards of JetBrains Rider - DZone Microservices
Creating a Calculator With wxPython - DZone Open Source
Creating GUI Applications… by Michael Driscoll [PDF/iPad/Kindle]
How to Create a Self-Signed Certificate With PowerShell [Snippet] - DZone Security
Angular 7 + Spring Boot Application: Hello World Example - DZone Web Dev
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Building the Future - Conrad Hollomon
alibaba/fish-redux: An assembled flutter application framework.
fish-redux/example at master · alibaba/fish-redux
marko-js/marko: A friendly (and fast!) UI library from eBay that makes building web apps fun
MithrilJS/mithril.js: A Javascript Framework for Building Brilliant Applications
30-seconds/30-seconds-of-code: A curated collection of useful JavaScript snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
LambdaSchool/front-end-project-week: This contains the assets and instruction for Front End Project Week
How to get up to 3500+ GitHub stars in one week — and why that’s important.
What I learned from an old GitHub project that won 3,000 Stars in a Week
Enterprise GitHub projects of the week: Facebook special | IDG Connect
This Week in Numbers: Uniqueness Is Rare on GitHub - The New Stack
For development teams, it's time to throw out the open-office plan - SD Times
Report: React is gaining in popularity, but Angular remains in the lead - SD Times
JavaScript has come a long way and shows no sign of slowing - SD Times
SD Times news digest: Udacity’s Data Engineer Nanodegree Program, NTT Security’s acquisition of WhiteHat Security, and Storybook 5.0 - SD Times
Creating a culture of happiness among your development teams - SD Times
Removing Elements From a Map in Java - DZone Java
Water Pouring Problem With Kotlin and Vavr - DZone Java
DZone: Programming & DevOps news, tutorials & tools
Inversion of (Coupling) Control in Java - DZone Java
Remove Dependencies - DZone Agile
What Happens When You Use Virtualization in Software Testing? - DZone Performance
Five Reasons Why Scrum Fails in Software Development - DZone Agile
Map and Filter Function in Python - DZone AI
Thinking in MapReduce, but With SQL - DZone Big Data
Contributing an IoT LoRaWAN Raspberry Pi RAK831 Gateway to the Things Network - DZone IoT
More Woes for Smart Locks Revealed at MWC - DZone IoT
Complete Guide to RFID: Benefits, Applications, and Challenges - DZone IoT
Create a Production-Grade Java Microservice Architecture With JHipster and Couchbase - DZone Database
What's Cooking? Part 2: What Can I Make With These Ingredients? - DZone Database
What Are Meta-Annotations in Java? - DZone Java
Creating Annotations in Java - DZone Java
5 Annotations Every Java Developer Should Know - DZone Java
Creating Annotations in Java - DZone Java
Kotlin Microservices With Micronaut, Spring Cloud, and JPA - DZone Microservices
7 Benefits of Microservices Architecture - DZone Microservices
Open Source: It’s All Fun and Games Until Millions of People Have Their Data Stolen - DZone Open Source
The Journey to Open Source: A Leading Thinkers' Discussion With NearForm - DZone Open Source
JavaScript Promises: The Definitive Guide, Part 1 - DZone Web Dev
A Deep Dive Investigation of an HTML Search Button Bug in GitHub - DZone Web Dev
Blazor CRUD Using Google Cloud Firestore - DZone Web Dev
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The big reveal: Google Code-in 2018 winners and finalists | Google Open Source Blog
Tasks | Google Code-in
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A New Home for Google Open Source | Google Open Source Blog
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GUI Toolkits — Mastering EOS
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Web, Graphics & Perl/Tk Programming: Best of the Perl Journal - Google Books
WxWidgets Compared To Other Toolkits - WxWiki
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Class::Std - Support for creating standard "inside-out" classes -
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Using advanced widgets in Perl/Tk
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Tile: an improved themeing engine for Tk
List of ttk Themes
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Using Fonts (Mastering Perl/Tk)
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3.3. Using Fonts - Mastering Perl/Tk [Book]
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How do I program Tkx?
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DZone: Programming & DevOps news, tutorials & tools
The Algorithm That Automatically Creates Wikibooks - DZone AI
GraphQL Seems Like We Do Not Want to Do the Hard Work of API Design - DZone Integration
I Am Keeping My Mind Open About GraphQL - DZone Integration
GraphQL: The next generation of API design – Apollo GraphQL
GraphQL: Understanding Spring Data JPA/SpringBoot - DZone Database
GraphQL: Understanding Spring Data JPA/Spring Boot — Part 2 - DZone Database
Introduction to JPA Using Spring Boot Data - DZone Database
Spring Boot With Spring Data JPA - DZone Java
5 Courses to Learn RESTful Web Services With Java and Spring in 2019 - DZone Integration
How to Use Spring Data JPA and Spring Boot to Communicate With MariaDB - DZone Java
Why and When to Use Java for Developing Your Application - DZone Java
Developing and Debugging Microservices With Java - DZone Microservices
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Learning GraphQL - O'Reilly Media
DZone: Programming & DevOps news, tutorials & tools
Describe, Then Interpret: HTTP Endpoints Using Tapir - DZone Web Dev
Duplicate Objects in Java: Not Just Strings - DZone Java
GraphQL: Understanding Spring Data JPA/SpringBoot - DZone Database
Inversion of (Coupling) Control in Java - DZone Java
Spring Boot: A Work of Art - DZone Java
Gathering the Android Device Position With the HERE Positioning API - DZone Java
Developing and Debugging Microservices With Java - DZone Microservices
Tips for Debugging Your HTML and Fix Errors - DZone Performance
How Single Page Web Applications Actually Work - DZone Web Dev
(Unknown): Script Error in JavaScript - DZone Web Dev
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API Testing with Telerik Fiddler
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Universal Viewer — Open many file types: DOCX, XLSX, PDF and more
How to open very large text files on Windows – So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
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Tool Tip: LogExpert! - Blog by BRICKMAKERS - Medium
zarunbal/LogExpert: Windows tail program and log file analyzer.
DZone: Programming & DevOps news, tutorials & tools
A Quick Guide to Microservices With the Micronaut Framework - DZone Microservices
Micronaut With Kotlin and Java With Groovy Tests - DZone Microservices
Hello, Micronaut - DZone Microservices
How Interactive Voice Technology Can Ensure We Take Our Medication - DZone AI
What goes into building a robot | Misty Robotics
Smart Home Systems: Expectations Vs. Reality - DZone IoT
What Goes Into Building a Robot? - DZone IoT
Kotlin Pearls: Lambdas With a Context - ProAndroidDev - DZone Java
What Defines 'Simple' Code? - DZone Java
Single-Responsibility Principle Done Right - DZone Java
Enum Tricks: Featured Enum Instead of Switch - DZone Java
Customize Query in Runtime With JPA - DZone Java
Are You Really a Good Full-Stack Developer? - DZone Web Dev
Your Basic CRUD: A Simple Tarantool Web App Part 2 (Tarantool 101, Guide 4B) - DZone Web Dev
Your Basic CRUD: A Simple Tarantool Web App (Tarantool 101, Guide 4A) - DZone Web Dev
Utility-First CSS With Tailwind - DZone Web Dev
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Graphic User Interface FAQ — Python 3.7.2 documentation
TkInter - Python Wiki
Tkinter 8.5 reference: a GUI for Python
Tkinter Folklore
Thinking in Tkinter
GUI Applications — The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
24.1. Tkinter — Python interface to Tcl/Tk — Python 2.7.16rc1 documentation
Tkinter - Wikipedia
Graphical User Interfaces with Tk — Python 3.7.2 documentation
Python Programming Tutorials
Python 3 GUI Programming (Tkinter)
Python GUI examples (Tkinter Tutorial) - Like Geeks
A demo of Tkinter
Introduction to GUI programming with tkinter — Object-Oriented Programming in Python 1 documentation
Python GUI examples (Tkinter Tutorial) - Like Geeks
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Python on Windows FAQ — Python 2.7.16rc1 documentation
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Dvlv/Tkinter-By-Example: Learn Tkinter By Example - a free book
Python tkinter tutorial — 3 (radiobuttons ,Canvas and more!)
How to Build a GUI in Python 3.5 - Data Dependence
Fresh tutorial on tkinter and ttk for Python 3 - Stack Overflow
A demo of Tkinter
Tkinter 8.5 reference: a GUI for Python
SBM - SBLI (Production)
REST API or SOAP Testing Automation with ZeroCode JSON-Based Open Source Test Framework - CodeProject
What's the best alternative to Postman for automated API testing and monitoring? - Quora
Java BluePrints - Wikipedia
Just another Perl hacker - Wikipedia
A (Hypothetical) Open Letter from Google to Web Developers - DZone Web Dev
Missing Information Anxiety - DZone Agile
Accumulative: Custom Java Collectors Made Easy - DZone Java
LockSupport.parkNanos() Under the Hood and the Curious Case of Parking (Part I) - DZone Java
Top 5 Courses to Learn Hibernate in Depth - DZone Java
Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern in Java - Tutorial Example
Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern in Java - Tutorial Example
Spring Sweets: Group Loggers With Logical Name [Snippet] - DZone Java
Self-Deploying Node.js Applications - DZone Microservices
Re-Installation of Linux, The Fuckery of Windows 10, and Microsoft Licensing - DZone Open Source
51% Attack Proves Blockchain Is ‘Unhackable’ The Way The Titanic Was ‘Unsinkable’ - DZone Security
CodeProject - For those who code
The Insider News - CodeProject
Hosting Spring Boot Web Application using Embedded Jetty Application Server - CodeProject
Web UI for java application - CodeProject
10 Best Java Web Frameworks to Use in 2019 (100% Future-Proof)
Most Popular Java Web Frameworks - DZone Java
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A second look at The Cathedral and the Bazaar - Google Search
A second look at the Cathedral and the Bazaar | Bezroukov | First Monday
The Cathedral and the Bazaar
SBM - SBLI (Production)
DZone: Programming & DevOps news, tutorials & tools
10 Essential Tools Every Java Developers Should Know - DZone Java
10 Tools Java Developers Should Learn in 2019 - DZone Java
Spring Boot: Run and Build in Docker - DZone Cloud
Top Applications for IoT in the Food and Beverage Retail Industry - DZone IoT
How Blockchain and IIoT are Bringing Innovation to Shipping - DZone IoT
Automated Testing on UI: Is it Really Worth the Effort? - DZone DevOps
7 Simple Ways to Improve Website and Database Performance - DZone Database
10 Productivity Books: Fun, Challenging, and Motivating - DZone Agile
Best Programming Quotes - DZone Agile
Choose Your Battles and Make Your Peace - DZone Agile
Software Craftsmanship in Context - DZone Agile
Study of Medical AI Boasts Impressive Accuracy, But Doesn’t Tell the Full Story - DZone AI
How Small Businesses Can Benefit from Migration to AWS Cloud - DZone Cloud
Java Desktop Links of the Week: February 18 - DZone Java
Updated Choices for Java Updates - DZone Java
Unit Tests Vs. Integration Tests: Battle Continues - DZone Performance
A (Hypothetical) Open Letter from Google to Web Developers - DZone Web Dev
Dependencies: It’s Not Just Your Code You Need to Secure - DZone Security
How to Enable Column Hiding in Ignite UI for Angular Grid - DZone Web Dev
GUI Applications — The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
The Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial — Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial 3.4 documentation
Kivy: Cross-platform Python Framework for NUI Development
TkDocs - Tk Tutorial - Case Study: IDLE Modernization
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The desktop belongs to Electron - The Verge
Build a Todo App with Electron – codeburst
Developer Environment | Electron
How do Wire updates work? – Wire – Support
How to make the desktop app with JavaScript (Electron) in 30 minutes
Electron and the Decline of Native Apps - Slashdot
Building a Desktop App with Vue: Electron - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
electron/electron-quick-start: Clone to try a simple Electron app
SBM - SBLI (Production)
DZone: Programming & DevOps news, tutorials & tools
It's a Kind of Magic: Kinds in Type Theory - DZone Java
Pagination and Sorting With Spring Data JPA - DZone Java
SD Times - Software Development News
Bootstrap 5 expected to completely replace jQuery - SD Times
SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Principled GraphQL - SD Times
How GraphQL is competing with REST - SD Times
DZone: Programming & DevOps news, tutorials & tools
Two Java Beginner Coding Tips - DZone Java
Introduction to Android App Development With Kotlin: Activity and its Lifecycle (Part 2) - DZone Java
Top 5 Online Courses to Learn Java Design Patterns in 2019 - DZone Java
What is BDD and What Does it Mean for Testers? - DZone Agile
Setting Up Your First Raspberry Pi - DZone IoT
A Bootiful Podcast: an Interview With ''Learning Spring Boot 2.0'' Author — Greg Turnquist - DZone Java
Mythbusters: 5 Myths About How Java Is Getting Better - DZone Java
Welcoming the New Era of Java - DZone Java
The JDKs: Which One to Use? - DZone Java
What's New in C# 8.0 - DZone Web Dev
Web Development Comparison: Spring Boot vs. Express.js - DZone Web Dev
Mixins Considered Harmful – React Blog
CodingBat Java Array-3 maxMirror
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Java > Array-3 > maxMirror (CodingBat Solution)
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Spring Boot and OAuth2: Getting the Authorization Code - DZone Security
Securing REST Services With OAuth2 in Spring Boot - DZone Security
Get Started With Spring Boot, OAuth 2.0, and Okta - DZone Java
Tutorial: Blinky With the NXP LPC845-BRK Board - DZone IoT
Dynamic Typing in SQL - DZone Database
Hosting Spring Boot Web Application using Embedded Jetty Application Server - CodeProject
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Jekyll on Windows | Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites
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Jekyll on Win10
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2016-2017 Web Salary Survey Report - O'Reilly Media
Building Web Apps for Everyone [Book]
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Python Web Frameworks [Book]
The Little Book of HTML/CSS Coding Guidelines [Book]
Transforms in CSS - Free Sampler - O'Reilly Media
Getting Started with the Web [Book]
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Software & Hardware Collide - O'Reilly Media
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Designing for the Internet of Things - O'Reilly Media
Smart Energy [Book]
Industrial Internet - O'Reilly Media
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Singleton Class in Java - GeeksforGeeks
Java Singleton Design Pattern Example Best Practices - JournalDev
Singletons in Java | Baeldung
How to navigate the deceptively simple Singleton pattern | JavaWorld
What to do when free Java 8 updates end | JavaWorld
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burhanrashid52/WhatTodo: A Simple Todo app design in Flutter to keep track of your task on daily basis. Its build on BLoC Pattern. You can add a project, labels, and due-date to your task also you can sort your task on the basis of project, label, and dates
Showcase - Flutter
I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences.
I created the same app in React and Vue (Part 2: Angular)
SBM - SBLI (Production)
DZone: Programming & DevOps news, tutorials & tools
Imperative vs. Declarative JavaScript - DZone Web Dev
Cross-Field Form Validation in Oracle JET - DZone Web Dev
Single Page Applications in Oracle JET - DZone Web Dev
Working With Oracle JET UI Web Components - DZone Web Dev
Announcing Oracle JET 4.0 and Web Components - DZone Web Dev
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Thoughts on Oracle JET? : javascript
A Quick Web Developers Review of Oracle JET
A Summary Review of Oracle Jet | Oracle Community
Going Mobile with Oracle JET – Oracle Developers – Medium
oracle/oraclejet: Oracle JET is a modular JavaScript Extension Toolkit for developers working on client-side applications.
Combinations - Controls in Form Layout
Examples FixItFast App - Oracle JET
DZone: Programming & DevOps news, tutorials & tools
14 SQL Jobs and Opportunities - DZone Database
Java Annotated Monthly — February 2019 - DZone Java
3 Pieces of Bad Advice on How to Keep Your IT Job - DZone Agile
How AI Developed for Video Games Can Treat Sepsis - DZone AI
DeepWalk: 5-Minute Interview - DZone AI
5 Key Lessons That Can Change How You Think About Habits - DZone Agile
Healthcare IoT: Monitoring Diabetes With - DZone IoT
Spring Boot With Spring Data JPA - DZone Java
Making Money From Open Source Software: The Dichotomy - DZone Open Source
Pain-Free JSON Formatting in Chrome - DZone Web Dev
Please Stop Building Inaccessible Forms (and How to Fix Them) - DZone Web Dev
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Gatsby.js Tutorial | GatsbyJS
Set Up Your Development Environment | GatsbyJS
Get to know Gatsby building blocks | GatsbyJS
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Gatsby.js Tutorial | GatsbyJS
3 reasons why you should consider Gatsby.js for your next project - Storyblok
Gatsby Tutorials
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Gatsby Deck — Fabian Schultz
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Spring Tools 4
Spring IDE and the Spring Tool Suite - Using Spring in Eclipse - DZone Java
Spring Tool Suite reworked: Meet Spring Tools 4 - JAXenter
How to Install Spring Tool Suite (STS) in Eclipse - Learning to Write code for Beginners with Tutorials
How to setup Angular IDE with Spring Tool Suite - grokonez
Spring Boot support in Visual Studio Code
Getting Started with Spring using Spring Initializr | Manning
What can Spring tool suite do better than Eclipse? - Quora
Spring Tools 4 GA Released - DZone Java
Spring Tools 4 - Eclipse and Beyond
Java Weekly, Issue 248 | Baeldung
Spring Framework - Wikipedia
Creating Standalone Web Applications with Spring Boot -
Developing a Spring Boot Application Using STS -
Integrate ObjectDB into Your JPA-based Java Web App -
What Is Spring Boot? -
A Step-by-step Guide to Creating NetBeans Web Apps -
Getting Started with the Java Spring Framework -
JavaBeans Tutorial: What Are JavaBeans? -
Using ObjectDB in Java Projects -
Exploring the Basics of Java Logging -
Using Private Interface Methods in Java 9, Part 1 -
User Defined Exceptions: Improve Error Handling in Web Services -
SQLExecutor: A Simple JDBC Framework -
Old Programming Languages
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What is Object Pooling in Java? - Stack Overflow Maintenance outage
Object Pool Design Pattern - GeeksforGeeks
Creating Object Pool in Java - DZone Performance
Object Pool Pattern - Javatpoint
Object Pool Design Pattern in Java
SBM - SBLI (Production)
Implementing Singleton Patterns in Java -
Creating UML Use Case Diagrams -
Java Annotations: An Introduction -
Hibernate Basics for Java Persistence -
An Introduction to JSP Standard Template Library (JSTL) -
Implementing Decorator Patterns in Java -
DZone Java
How Code Reviewing Can Help With Quality Assurance - DZone DevOps
Behavioral Design Patterns: Visitor - DZone Java
Guide to Behavior-Driven Development in Java - DZone Java
Visual Studio Code for Java: the Ultimate Guide 2019 - DZone Java
Magic With the Spring Boot Actuator - DZone Java
Batch Processing With Spring Batch and AMQP: Easier Than You Think - DZone Java
Java Containerization - DZone - Refcardz
Java API Best Practices - DZone - Refcardz
IntelliJ IDEA: The Java IDE for Professional Developers by JetBrains
Modern Java EE Design Patterns
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Kotlin Programming Language
Microservices for Java Developers
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Amazon Corretto: Another No-Cost JDK - DZone Java
Will You Use Amazon's Corretto? [Discussion] - DZone Java
Java Annotated Monthly — December 2018 - DZone Java
Java Magazine, November/December 2018, (52)
Java Magazine NovemberDecember 2018.pdf
Java Containerization - DZone - Refcardz
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Introduction to Android App Development With Kotlin: Android Studio, New Project, and AVD - DZone Java
How to Write Your Own Spring Boot REST Service - DZone Java
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Robust Exception Handling - DZone Java
Why Try? Better Exception Handling in Java With Try - DZone Java
Kotlin: Functional Exception Handling With Try - DZone Java
On Exceptions - DZone Java
Preview Features Questions and Answers From Java SE Expert Group Meeting Minutes - DZone Java
NGINX: Better and Faster Web Server Technology - DZone Performance
In Defense of JavaScript Oddities - DZone Web Dev
How to Use a Start/Stop Loader on Every AJAX Call - DZone Web Dev
SQL Injection Attacks: Know How to Prevent Them - DZone Security
Q&A: Mike Milinkovich on Java in 2018 and 2019 -- ADTmag
Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 Released -- ADTmag
Salesforce Unveils Low-Code Mobile Development Platform -- ADTmag
Java in 2019: A Look Ahead -- ADTmag
Red Hat Releases JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.2 -- ADTmag
Bugfest Prompts Quality Overhaul of Android Studio -- ADTmag
Navigation Editor Highlights Android Studio 3.3 Update -- ADTmag
Software Developer Repeats as 'Best Job' for 2019 -- ADTmag Technical Information for Software Developers
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How to Create a Scrollable, Updatable ResultSet Object in JDBC -
Develop More Flexible Node.js Web and Mobile Apps with Express -
jQuery's Future with Angular, React & Vue
What's the future of jQuery in 2018? · Issue #3886 · jquery/jquery
Coding on the Side as Therapy - DZone Agile
JDK 9/JEP 280: String Concatenations Will Never Be the Same - DZone Java
Introduction to Android App Development With Kotlin: Android Studio, New Project, and AVD - DZone Java
SBM - SBLI (Production)
CodeProject - For those who code
Android OCR Application Based on Tesseract - CodeProject
Text Recognition | Firebase
Drag and drop | Cloud Vision API Documentation | Google Cloud
5 Best OCR libraries as of 2019 - Slant
gocr - What are the best OCR libraries? - Slant
Tesseract (software) - Wikipedia
REST API or SOAP Testing Automation with ZeroCode JSON-Based Open Source Test Framework - CodeProject
Firebase - Wikipedia
SBM - SBLI (Production)
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Debugging JavaScript Projects with VS Code & Chrome Debugger — SitePoint
Developing REST APIs - DZone Integration
How Beacon Technology Works - DZone IoT
Custom Compact Number Patterns With JDK 12 Compact Number Formatting - DZone Java
Creational Design Pattern Series: Singleton Pattern - DZone Java
Getting Cozy With WebViews, Part 1 - DZone Web Dev
SBM - SBLI (Production)
DZone: Programming & DevOps news, tutorials & tools
Test a Sign-Up Page: Problems, Test Cases, and Template - DZone Performance
Feature Selection Using Genetic Algorithms (GA) in R - DZone Big Data
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How to Manage Your Time Like a Pro - DZone Agile
Test Your Website on All Mobile Devices Using These 9 Tools - DZone Web Dev
AI Will Not Eat the World - DZone AI
How to Estimate Software Projects in A Test-Driven Development Environment - DZone Agile
Simply Superb: SuperSet - DZone Big Data
How to Use Cron and Curl to Regularly Download API Performance Data - DZone Integration
Working With a Proximity Beacon Network (Part 1) - DZone IoT
A Collection of Open Source Time Tracking Software - DZone Open Source
7 Tips You Should Know for Searching GitHub Repositories - DZone Open Source
Monitoring Kubernetes and Docker (Part 2): Prometheus - DZone Performance
How to Automate Cross-Browser Testing of Web Applications Using Selenium - DZone Performance
Acquiring Data With CSS Selectors and JavaScript on Time-Based Attacks - DZone Security
CSS With Feature Detection for Cross-Browser Compatibility - DZone Web Dev
Kotlin Clean Code for Android, Part 1 - DZone Web Dev
I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences.
Vue CLI 3: A Game Changer for Front-End Development - DZone Web Dev
Zero to One: How I mastered JavaScript and how you can too - Hashnode
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Debugging in Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code Variables Reference
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Pass args in launch.json without wrapping them in quotation marks? · Issue #28059 · Microsoft/vscode
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Debugging in Visual Studio Code
Debugging in Visual Studio Code
Launch/Debug multiple configurations at once · Issue #1616 · Microsoft/vscode
Allow user defined default launch.json for specific language · Issue #36108 · Microsoft/vscode
Multiple Launch Files in Visual Studio Code - Stack Overflow
Debugging Node.js apps in TypeScript with Visual Studio Code
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String.fromEnvironment() and environment variables · Issue #27998 · dart-lang/sdk
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Cookbook | Dart
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Introducing Chrome Debugging for VS Code
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Electron Simple Samples | Electron Blog
Quick Start | Electron
Writing Your First Electron App | Electron
hokein/electron-sample-apps: Sample apps for Electron
electron/simple-samples: Minimal Electron applications with ideas for taking them further
Build a Todo App with Electron – codeburst
Building a desktop application with Electron – Developers Writing – Medium
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The desktop belongs to Electron - The Verge
🦋Electron: The Bad Parts – Hacker Noon
Ask HN: Why / Why Not Use Electron? | Hacker News
Electron | Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Do you recommend using Electron for creating applications? - Quora
sindresorhus/awesome-electron: Useful resources for creating apps with Electron
The Electron Open Framework and Why It's Awesome for Apps Development
Visual Studio IDE, Code Editor, VSTS, & App Center - Visual Studio
Learn to Develop with Microsoft Developer Network | MSDN
Microsoft Virtual Academy – Free Online Training for Developers, IT Professionals and Data Scientists
MSDN Magazine
Developer Tools Blogs
Van Arsdel Sample App Released! - Windows Developer Blog
Microsoft/VanArsdel: VanArsdel Application UWP Sample
Design Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps - UWP app developer
CodePlex Archive
Msdn forums
Resources and Tools for IT Professionals | TechNet
Register as an app developer – Windows app development
Channel 9: Videos for developers from the people building Microsoft Products & Services
Microsoft Garage - the outlet for experimental projects from teams across the company
Student Tools - Microsoft Garage
Mobile Chest X-Ray Analysis - Microsoft Garage
Visual Studio IDE, Code Editor, VSTS, & App Center - Visual Studio
Windows Dev Center
Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app development - UWP app developer
Microsoft/Windows-appsample-lunch-scheduler: Sample app demonstrating a multi-user lunch scheduling scenario for the Universal Windows Platform.
Microsoft/Windows-appsample-customers-orders-database: This code demonstrates a working customer order database hosted on Azure, implemented in C# and XAML, and ready to form the basis of your Windows Store enterprise app.
Introduction to Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app design (Windows apps) - Windows UWP applications | Microsoft Docs
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Node Hero - Your First Node.js HTTP Server | @RisingStack
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Express "Hello World" example
The web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps | Yeoman
Build and Understand a Simple Node.js Website with User Authentication ―
Express Tutorial Part 2: Creating a skeleton website | MDN
Create the application
getify/You-Dont-Know-JS: A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
I don’t know JS – Amy Simmons – Medium
You Don’t Know JS: My learnings from Up & Going – Amy Simmons – Medium
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Language Grammars — TextMate 1.x Manual
IBM-Cloud/vscode-log-output-colorizer: Language extension for VSCode that adds syntax colorization for both the output/debug/extensions panel and *.log files.
Your First Extension | Visual Studio Code Extension API
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Language Grammars — TextMate 1.x Manual
Talixa Blog
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Programmatic Language Features | Visual Studio Code Extension API
Programmatic Language Features | Visual Studio Code Extension API
Visual Studio Code Themes
Language Support in Visual Studio Code
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Create Custom Language in Visual Studio Code - Stack Overflow
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Create Custom Language in Visual Studio Code - Stack Overflow
How to write a Visual Studio Code color theme from scratch
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Programmatic Language Features | Visual Studio Code Extension API
Programmatic Language Features | Visual Studio Code Extension API
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Create Custom Language in Visual Studio Code - Stack Overflow
How do I customize Syntax Highlighting? : vscode
How To: Create Custom Syntax Highlighting in a Visual Studio Code Extension – GC the Software Engineer
Syntax Highlighting for yarn.lock Files in Visual Studio Code — Marius Schulz
Theming | Visual Studio Code Extension API
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Copy Syntax - Visual Studio Marketplace
Language Support in Visual Studio Code
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Optimizations in Syntax Highlighting, a Visual Studio Code Story
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tiffon/vscode-todone: Simple, hierarchical, prioritized to do lists in plain text
Theming | Visual Studio Code Extension API
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CodeProject - For those who code
REST API or SOAP Testing Automation with ZeroCode JSON-Based Open Source Test Framework - CodeProject
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Introduction to Genetic Algorithms — Including Example Code
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Autobots and Beyond
Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem Using Google Maps and Genetic Algorithms
Design a Genetic Algorithm in Java | Baeldung
Genetic Algorithms - GeeksforGeeks
Getting started with genetic algorithms: a tutorial
Index — Jupyter Documentation 4.1.1 alpha documentation
Genetic Algorithms in Java Basics | Alaa Jabbar qasim -
Genetic Algorithms in Java
Topic: genetic-algorithm
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Language Grammars — TextMate 1.x Manual
IBM-Cloud/vscode-log-output-colorizer: Language extension for VSCode that adds syntax colorization for both the output/debug/extensions panel and *.log files.
Your First Extension | Visual Studio Code Extension API
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Language Grammars — TextMate 1.x Manual
Talixa Blog
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Programmatic Language Features | Visual Studio Code Extension API
Programmatic Language Features | Visual Studio Code Extension API
Visual Studio Code Themes
Language Support in Visual Studio Code
syntax highlighting - How to create a simple custom language colorization to VS Code - Stack Overflow
Create Custom Language in Visual Studio Code - Stack Overflow
How to write a Visual Studio Code color theme from scratch
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DZone: Programming & DevOps news, tutorials & tools
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Visual Studio Code November 2018
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Write HTML Crazy Fast with Emmet: An Interactive Guide ―
Emmet Review - Slant
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Zen Coding: A Speedy Way To Write HTML/CSS Code — Smashing Magazine
DZone: Programming & DevOps news, tutorials & tools
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Two Years in the Life of AI, ML, DL, and Java [Links] - DZone Java
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Flutter: from Mobile to Desktop – Flutter Community – Medium
Feather Apps - Mobile Apps That Run on the Desktop
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What’s Revolutionary about Flutter – Hacker Noon
Why Flutter Uses Dart – Hacker Noon
Flutter — 5 reasons why you may love it – Hacker Noon
Flutter: the good, the bad and the ugly – The ASOS Tech Blog – Medium
What It Was Like to Write a Full Blown Flutter App – Hacker Noon
Flutter on desktop, a real competitor to Electron – Flutter Community – Medium
Flutter hands on: Building a News App – GeekyAnts Blog
What the F**tter!? Understanding Flutter as an Android Developer
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Introducing Flare – 2Dimensions – Medium
Flare Launch – 2Dimensions – Medium
Flare Integration in Flutter – Flutter Community – Medium
Building an Interactive Login Screen with Flare & Flutter
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Duplicate Tables - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs
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10 essential extensions for VS Code – Fabien Lasserre – Medium
Favorite New Visual Studio Code Features of 2018 (so far) – Ricardo D Sanchez
Must have extensions for VS Code (according to me) - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Polacode - Visual Studio Marketplace
VS Code extensions for the discerning developer palate | CSS-Tricks
What I Learned by Building My Own VS Code Extension | CSS-Tricks
Your first Visual Studio Code Extension – Ramsay Lanier – Medium
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fabiospampinato/notable: The markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
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Your First Extension | Visual Studio Code Extension API
Extension API | Visual Studio Code Extension API
Extension Guides | Visual Studio Code Extension API
Programmatic Language Features | Visual Studio Code Extension API
Managing Extensions in Visual Studio Code
Extensions in Visual Studio Code
Language Server Extension Guide | Visual Studio Code Extension API
Testing Extension | Visual Studio Code Extension API
Publishing Extension | Visual Studio Code Extension API
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Extensions Capabilities Overview | Visual Studio Code Extension API
How to Make A Visual Studio Code Extension [to Generate Ducks]
Your first Visual Studio Code Extension – Ramsay Lanier – Medium
Developing Visual Studio Code extensions – SoftwareMill Tech Blog
Microsoft/vscode-extension-samples: Sample code illustrating the VS Code extension API.
Language Configuration Guide | Visual Studio Code Extension API
How to Pass Oracle’s Java Certifications — a Practical Guide for Developers
A Beginner’s Guide to GraphQL –
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How to Modularize an Angular Application - DZone Web Dev
GitHub - Angular2Guy/MovieManager: This is a toy project to manage my movies
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The Multiarch Adventures: Visual Studio Code (Part 1 of 2)
The Multiarch Adventures: Visual Studio Code (Part 2 of 2)
10ish Teeny-Tiny Resolutions To Become A Better Developer In 2019 - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Back to basics: Using interface vs. abstract class – Helper Code
Application Development Trends Home ( -- ADTmag
Java in 2019: A Look Ahead -- ADTmag
Compuware Adds DevOps Pipeline Integration, Other Features, to Topaz -- ADTmag
Flutter 1.0 Arrives with New Way to Code Mobile Apps -- ADTmag
'Full Stack Software Developer' Named Fastest-Growing Job of 2018 -- ADTmag
JavaScript Dominated Open Source in 2018 -- ADTmag
Popularity Index Charts Rise of VB.NET -- ADTmag
Report: Despite High JavaScript Demand, Student Devs Learning Ruby and Python -- ADTmag
WaveMaker Low-Code Tool Taps Angular 7 for Front-End Tech -- ADTmag
Gradle 5.0 Released with Java 11 Support -- ADTmag
New IntelliJ IDEA Released with Support for Java 12 -- ADTmag
Amazon Cloud Does Mobile Development Reboot -- ADTmag
GitHub: 3 Features Make Programming Languages Popular -- ADTmag
Apache TomEE 8.0 Reaches First Milestone -- ADTmag
IoT 2018 in Review: The 10 Most Relevant IoT Developments of the Year - DZone IoT
Building and Testing RESTful APIs With Laravel - DZone Integration
Amazing Open Source Android Apps Written in Java - DZone Open Source
GitHub - Nightonke/CoCoin: CoCoin, Multi-view Accounting Application
JVM Calendar: Java in 2018 - DZone Java
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What I Learned by Building My Own VS Code Extension | CSS-Tricks
Visual Studio Code - Flutter
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Tech luminaries we lost in 2018 | Computerworld
The top 10 stories of 2018: Blockchain rises, open source reigns, trust wanes | Computerworld
2018's most important Chrome OS advice and analysis | Computerworld
Android 2019 primer: 10 bits of telling analysis to mull over | Computerworld
Android file management: An easy-to-follow guide | Computerworld
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A Visual Studio Code Tutorial
An overview of Visual Studio Code for front-end developers
Visual Studio Code: Increasing Productivity via Key Binding Management - Hongkiat
Creating a VS Code Theme | CSS-Tricks
How I Increased My Productivity With Visual Studio Code - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Visual Studio Code Can Do That? — Smashing Magazine
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) Condensed | DotNetCurry
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GitHub - tonsky/FiraCode: Monospaced font with programming ligatures
Fira Code: My New Favorite Programming Font - Dan Clarke
Read and understand code faster with programming ligatures in Fira Code font | Making Visual Studio perfect
Make your code more beautiful with the Fira Code typeface
Daily Dev Tips №96— Visual Studio Code — how to enable this new sexy Fira Code font?
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VS Code Instructions · tonsky/FiraCode Wiki · GitHub
Home · tonsky/FiraCode Wiki · GitHub
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Introduction to Project Lombok | Baeldung
What do you think of Project Lombok? : java
Inspired by Actual Events: Common Java Object Functionality with Project Lombok
Lombok, a compile time Java annotation preprocessor to minimize code size | Java Code Geeks - 2018
Lombok - NetBeans Wiki
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Difference between Abstract Class and Interface in Java | Difference Between | Difference between Abstract Class vs Interface in Java
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Why is Flutter making people go crazy? – Flutter Community – Medium
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Why functional programming matters – Hacker Noon
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GitHub - marcnazarian/object-calisthenics-in-java: Coding dojo on Object Calisthenics in Java
GitHub - TheLadders/object-calisthenics: Day 1 of our onboarding experience
Object Calisthenics (Example)
Object Calisthenics: write better object-oriented code | Fran Dieguez
Object Calisthenics: First thoughts · Mark Needham
If this is Object Calisthenics, I think I'll stay on the couch
Object Calisthenics In JavaScript - My First Attempt
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Amazon releases a no-cost distribution of OpenJDK - SD Times
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Improving code quality with Object Calisthenics – WengVox – Medium
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How to build a Cryptocurrency price list app using Flutter SDK
FlutterDev: App dev with SDK subreddit
Flutter hands on: Building a News App – GeekyAnts Blog
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Flutter Vs React Native - Which Is Worth Investing For The Hybrid Mobile Apps
Sample Apps using Multi Service Firebase Auth : FlutterDev
Flutter: Developer experience on Google's React Native competitor •
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What’s Revolutionary about Flutter – Hacker Noon
Is Flutter likely to replace Java for Android app development? - Quora
Zero to One with Flutter – Flutter – Medium
Flutter’s hot reload is so hot right now. – Flutter – Medium
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Right, Flutter would not be that interesting, if all you could do was to write the UI portion of…
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Exploring Flutter for Cross-Platform Mobile Development | Hacker News
Xamarin Faces Challenge from Google's Flutter Mobile SDK -- Visual Studio Magazine
Zero to One with Flutter – Flutter – Medium
Building Beautiful UIs with Flutter
‘Hamilton’ app built with Flutter, the new Google mobile SDK also used for Fuchsia OS | 9to5Google
Google intros mobile UI framework Flutter | ZDNet
With Flutter, Google Throws Dart at Cross-Platform Mobile Development -- ADTmag
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Google Pushes For Faster Cross Platform Apps With Flutter Beta Toolkit | HotHardware
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Xamarin Faces Challenge from Google's Flutter Mobile SDK -- Visual Studio Magazine
Visual Studio Dev Lead Leaves for Google's Flutter Team, with a Few Parting Shots -- Visual Studio Magazine
New Beginnings: Joining Google – Tim Sneath – Medium
Skixam: SkiaSharp as a Platform for Xamarin.Forms (Proof-of-concept) - Xamarin Help
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My Introduction to Flutter | ifdevthentalk
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Flutter Could Be Xamarin's Next Big Competitor - Xamarin Help
Is Flutter a recommendable alternative to Xamarin? - Quora
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How to keep up to date on Front-End Technologies - The Recipe
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GitHub - bfirsh/jsnes: A JavaScript NES emulator.
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GitHub - kjaisingh/high-school-guide-to-machine-learning: Being a high schooler myself and having studied Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for a year now, I believe that there fails to exist a learning path in this field for High School students. This is my attempt at creating one.
GitHub - facebookresearch/Detectron: FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.
GitHub - bradley/Blotter: A JavaScript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web.
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GitHub - yangshun/tech-interview-handbook: 💯 Algorithms study materials, behavioral content and tips for rocking your coding interview
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GitHub - photonstorm/phaser: Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
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About - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript linter
GitHub - android/android-ktx: A set of Kotlin extensions for Android app development.
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GitHub - automerge/automerge: A JSON-like data structure that can be modified concurrently by different users, and merged again automatically.
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East - Minimal and Clean Jekyll Blog Theme - Jekyll Themes & Templates
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GitHub - kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap: Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2018
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GitHub - kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap: Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2018
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Java Code to Handle Versions and Their Comparisons [Snippet] - DZone Java
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Great FlexBox Resources and Awful Examples - DZone Web Dev
Flexbox Tutorial | HTML & CSS Is Hard
Introduction | HTML & CSS Is Hard
Solved by Flexbox — Cleaner, hack-free CSS
Holy Grail Layout — Solved by Flexbox — Cleaner, hack-free CSS
GitHub - philipwalton/solved-by-flexbox: A showcase of problems once hard or impossible to solve with CSS alone, now made trivially easy with Flexbox.
A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks
GitHub - gulpjs/gulp: The streaming build system
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