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Coming Soon to a Front Porch Near You: Package Delivery Via Drone - WSJ
Cross a John Deere with a Roomba, and you get this crop-monitoring robot
Walmart files a patent for robot bees that pollinate crops - Business Insider
U of C researchers predict locations where lightning is likely to spark wildfires - Calgary - CBC News
Sierra Leone just ran the first blockchain-based election | TechCrunch
Google banning cryptocurrency-related advertising
Bitcoin's highly anticipated 'Lightning Network' goes live | TheHill
Department of Citrus employee arrested when caught mining for cryptocurrency, agents say
Scientists Create a Way for People With Amputations to Feel Their Prosthetic Hands
Scientists on brink of overcoming livestock diseases through gene editing | Science | The Guardian
Stephen Hawking: World celebrates life of cosmology's brightest star
Facebook sorry for suggesting child sex videos in search
Tumblr Has a Massive Creepshots Problem - Motherboard
Beaver Dam apartment explosion: Benjamin Morrow identified as victim
iOS 11 bugs are so common they now appear in Apple ads - The Verge
A startup is pitching a mind-uploading service that is “100 percent fatal” - MIT Technology Review
'Biohacker' implants travel card in hand, court says 'nice try'