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CIR Show Notes: 10-22-2019
(19) ChuckGrassley on Twitter: "All of the delays and excuses why the Horowitz IG FISA report isn’t public yet after several months of anticipation of its issues leads me to the suspicion it’s going to be “deep six” by the deep state" / Twitter
DOJ-FBI “Small Group” Promote Defense of Spygate Operations – Former FBI/DOJ Officials Nervous, Hiring Lawyers… | The Last Refuge
New York Times Narrative Engineers Start Positioning DOJ/FBI “Small Group” Coup-Plotters as Victims of CIA and Intelligence Community Manipulation… | The Last Refuge
Durham’s Trail Leading to SSCI – Ali Watkins Never Slept With James Wolfe – It Was a Cover Story…. | The Last Refuge
warrant-ali-watkins-feb-13.jpg (656×698)
Trump-Russia 2.0: Dossier-Tied Firm Pitching Journalists Daily on 'Collusion' | RealClearInvestigations
Senator Mark Warner: The SSCI is “Working Closely” With Robert Mueller… | The Last Refuge
Rod Rosenstein “Unindicted Co-Conspirator”? – Durham Expands Timeline for Probe… | The Last Refuge
TEXTS: Mark Warner texted with Russian oligarch lobbyist in effort to contact Christopher Steele
Bitly | Bitlink Management
Report: AG Barr Expands Probe into Russia Investigation Origin
(7) Evelyn Farkas Admits Setting Up Secret Channel - YouTube
115th Congress (2017-2018) | Intelligence Committee
Durham's probe into possible FBI misconduct expanded based on new evidence, sources say | Fox News